Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Enough is enough already

Yet another pseudo-comedian still suffering lingering effects of BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) has decided that the Palin family is still fair game too. Not just the Palin family, but the Palin teen daughters. The ever-classy Bill Maher, deciding to jump on the Letterman vs. Palin bandwagon, fired a few shots of his own. As per Jimmy Arone from Big Hollywood:
In defending his friend, Maher thought Republicans had over reacted and this was just a case of ‘fake’ outrage. Much ado about nothing. He then went on talking about how Letterman had invited Sarah Palin and her young daughter, Willow, to appear as guests on his show but the Governor declined because she thought it would be wise to keep her daughter away from him. Said Maher, “…that’s right, he’s 62 years old, he’s gonna fuck her right there on stage…it would be very wise to keep her, very wise, yes. You know, I’d worry a little more about the 18-year old hockey players who knock up your daughters.” To which his audience of trained seals laughed and clapped and had a good old time.
One has to assume Billy doesn't have any daughters of his own, because I can't imagine him being so amazingly crude otherwise. Not wanting to be outdone by his colleague's joke implying that one of the Palin daughters got raped, Billy gives us a wonderful visual of a 62-year old man actually doing it on stage. Real classy, Bill. Real classy.

You have to wonder why the left-leaning media and so-called comedians feel they have to keep bashing Sarah Palin, almost six months after the election. And not just Sarah Palin, but her teen daughters. So what if Bristol, the 18-year-old, is an unwed mother? News Flash - teen girls do get pregnant...even ones that come from wholesome, conservative, Christian families. I suppose the "left" would have preferred Bristol abort the pregnancy, rather than keep and raise the child. During the election cycle Billy even likened the teen pregnancy to a prison sentence.

Why is the left so obsessed with beating on Sarah Palin and her family? Is it possible they secretly view her as a threat to them in 2012? The left has shown everybody that charm, charisma, and personality is all it takes to make it to Oval Office, and that while experience is sometimes helpful, it is not necessarily required. As long as you can read a teleprompter, smile and wink, having no experience running anything at an executive level doesn't really matter.

So in the mind of the left, Sarah Palin is most certainly a threat. I don't think there's any doubt she has just as much (if not more) charisma than Obama. You may not agree with everything she stands for or says, but that smile and wink can charm the pants off you. In my opinion, this is why hey continue to bash her...bash her family...bash her daughters. However, the more they bash, the more they make her look like a victim, and the more sympathy for her they generate.

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