Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sometimes a picture says a thousand words...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How's all that Hope and Change working out for ya??

We've got a President who has spent more in the first six months of his first term than the evil George W spent over his entire eight year administration.

We've got a President whose projected budget will spend more than all the Presidents we've ever had, combined.

We've got a President who rammed through a $787 billion spending bill chock full of pork and political paybacks, using the fear that unemployment will hit 8% if the stimulus bill isn't passed. And now unemployment sites at almost 10% and rising, with no real end in sight.

We've got a President, although beloved and worshiped at home, who is seen as extremely weak pushover to the rest of the world. North Korea has stepped up their nuclear weapon program and has fired missiles in the direction of Hawaii. Iran continues to flip the bird to the rest of the world, refusing to halt it's nuclear weapons program. Russia invades it's neighbor and continues to rattle sabres. And what does President Pantywaste do? He pledges to reduce our own nuclear stockpile and is considering scrapping our missile defense program...the same program that is designed to protect us from the missiles openly being developed and tested by the likes of North Korea and Iran.

Unemployment rising over 10% with no real end in sight. Sabre rattling from our enemies and adversaries. A federal budget deficit in the trillions, highest in our nation's 200+ year history. Government control and ownership of the banking and financial systems. Government control and ownership of auto industry. Government control of the salaries paid to executives in the private industry. Soon-to-be government control and ownership of the healthcare industry. Over 30 "czars" who oversee pretty much all aspects of our lives (compensation, health, consumer purchasing, etc), all reporting directly to the president without Congressional approval.

Is this the change you all were hoping for?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Listen to this

You need to listen to the audio here. It's a YouTube video, but it's all audio. It's a little over 9 minutes long, but please listen to it. The speaker does get a bit excited and may sensationalize some statements, but listen to what he is saying. This is some scary shit. And with them controlling both the House AND the Senate, it may very well be unstoppable. This is about the Cap-and-Trade bill under debate in the Senate. It has already been passed by the House by 219-212. While the House only requires a majority (51%) vote, the Senate requires a 2/3 (67%) vote.

The speaker makes a very good point about global warming. If we human beings and our burning of fossil fuels are to blame for the temperature of our planet increasing, how do we explain away previous ice ages? Its a proven fact that our planet has had numerous ice ages in its history. For Christ's sake, aminals have been found frozen alive in ice. What caused the temperature to rise enough to cycle the planet out of these ice ages? I'm pretty sure there were no soccer moms driving SUV's thousands and thousands of years ago, were there?

No. Our planet has cycled from cold to hot to cold to hot more times than we can even imagine. So why now, all of a sudden, are human beings responsible for causing the temperature to increase? Humans may have been around for many thousands of years, and have weathered through untold numbers of temperature cycles. So why does our burning of fossil fuels over the last 50 years get blamed? Are we humans SO freaking conceited to think that we now control Mother Nature? We now can control the natural temperature cycles of the entire planet....the same cycles that have ocurred for millions of years?

Disagree? Then please explain what caused the Earth's temperature to rise enough to cycle out of its previous ice ages when there were NO human beings burning fossil fuels. Can't explain it? Then you can't assume mankind is responsible for the rising temperatures now...regardless of how much money Al Gore makes trying to convince us otherwise.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Nuff said...

A lot of people blame President Bush and his Republican policies for damaging the economy. The Obama administration and it's media minions still refer to the economy as the "inherited economy." However, looking at the data presented in these graphs, its kinda hard to continue making that argument.

Click the image to enlarge it.

Congress is the government branch who actually controls the purse strings of the United States. The president can't spend a dime without Congressional approval. The Democrats took control of the House in 2006, and control of the Senate in 2008. So the Democrats have practically owned the economy since 2006.

Over his eight years in office, President Bush spent $994 billion dollars. In contrast, President Obama has spent nearly $12 trillion in his first six months. Now you tell me, who's economy is this? Sure, the Democrats make the argument that eight years of bad Bush policies are to blame, and they were just left holding the bag. However, if fiscal irresponsibility by the Republicans is to blame, then why take the spending to the next level? $994 billion over eight years averages out to $124 billion a year...nothing to be very proud of at all. However, at President Obama's rate of spending over just six months, he's well on his way to $24 trillion a year.

12 trillion = 12,000 billions. Here's a cool graphic depicting what this actually looks like. OMG!

Now you tell me who is responsible for the economy? Still think its President Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress?

Graphic borrowed from here.

Is the honeymoon over?