Thursday, October 30, 2008

Over at Snapped Shot, captainfish has posted a very good synopsis on what Obama actually stands for, since the media certainly doesn't dwell on it:
Obama's Friends
Tony Rezko. Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Rev Phlegger. ACORN. Louis Farrakhan. Jesse Jackson. Al Sharpton. Saul Alinksi. Bill Ayers. Palestinian Activist Rashid Khalidi.

Obama's Supporters
ACORN. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Hamas. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Palestinians. Radical Islam. George Soros. Hollywood. Matt Damon. Anti-Semites. Palestinian Activist Rashid Khalidi. CAIR. Nation of Islam. New Party - Chicago (Socialist party of which he is a member).

Obama's Enemies. (People he does not like)
Christians. Gun Owners. Americans. White People. Corporations. CEOs. People Who Earn Profit. Israel. "People Clinging To Their Guns And Their Religion". Reporters Who Ask Questions.

What Obama Believes About The Constitution
Flawed. Created By White Slavers. Fluid Document. Does Not Protect Rights Of Minorities. Does Not Distribute Unfair Wealth. Does Not Speak Of Reparations. Affects Everyone Worldwide. "Constitution Is A Charter Of Negative Liberties". "Doesn't Say What The Governments MUST Do For You".

What Obama Believes About The Government
Should Ensure A Shot At Success. Should Distribute Wealth. Should Grow Economy From Bottom-Up. Does Not Do Enough To Give Money To Poor. Does Not Do Enough To Restrict Rights. Government's Job Is To Give All Desires To Everyone. Is To Free And Unregulated. Must Subsidize Everything. Must Grow.

What Obama Believes About The Courts
Should Create Laws To Redistribute Wealth. Should Create Laws To Push Immorality. To Mandate Abortion. To Enact Quotas In Employment, Education And Military. "To Enact Redistributive Change". Must Accept Foreign Rulings To Guide Decisions. Protect America's Enemies.

What Obama Believes About The Military
Unfair To Minorities. Terroristic. Murderous. Killers of Civilians, Innocents and Babies. Too Big. Too Mean. Unfair to Non-Militarized Countries. Too Technological. Must Share Technology With Enemies Else Not Have Technology.

What Obama Believes About The Economy
Must Be Regulated And Controlled. Must Be Taxed. Must Benefit Minorities First. Prices Of Goods, Supplies And Fuel To Low. Capitalism Benefits Rich And Harms Poor. Socialism Equalizes All. Marxism Assures Equality.

What Obama Believes About Election Process
Racist. Must Be Geared Toward Minorities. Too Regulated. Too Restrictive. Must Allow Non-Americans (illegals, foreigners, dead people, terrorists) A Voice In Deciding President. People Are Easily Fooled. Who Can Lie The Best. ACORN.

What Obama Believes In
Abortion. Reparations. Socialism. Marxism. Taxes. Reverse-Slavery. Quotas. Stalin. Alinsky. Chavez. Cuba. Restrictions Against Majority's Liberties. Racist America. Social Change. Taxes. Mass-Welfare. Censorship. Abortion For Teens. "Redistributionary Forces To Achieve Social and Political Justice".

What Obama Does Not Believe In
Capitalism. Liberty. Freedom. Constitution. Founding Fathers. Freedom of Speech. Gun Ownership. Property Ownership By Whites. Wealthy People Creating Jobs. America's Purpose. America's God. Less Government. Freedom of Choice (in all things). Legal Justice.
But don't dwell too much on any of this, lest anyone think you might be a racist.

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