Monday, October 20, 2008

I would have expected nothing less

This from The Daily Telegraph...
Warner Brothers has delayed the re-release of a film about American prisoners of war in Vietnam in case it influences the outcome of the US presidential election.
The studio has temporarily blocked the release of the DVD version of the 1987 film Hanoi Hilton, which will feature an interview with John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate, about his imprisonment in Hoa Lo prison during the war.

The film, which gave a favorable portrayal of US prisoners, will now be released on November 11 - a week after the election.
But why?
Barry Meyer, the company's chairman and chief executive, last month attended a fundraising dinner for Barack Obama, Mr McCain's Democratic opponent.
Ahhh...that's why.

However, W, the 2-hour anti-Bush bash, was released this past weekend...3 weeks before the election (by a different studio)

Hollywood sure doesn't seem like they're playing sides, do they???

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