You need to listen to the audio here. It's a YouTube video, but it's all audio. It's a little over 9 minutes long, but please listen to it. The speaker does get a bit excited and may sensationalize some statements, but listen to what he is saying. This is some scary shit. And with them controlling both the House AND the Senate, it may very well be unstoppable. This is about the Cap-and-Trade bill under debate in the Senate. It has already been passed by the House by 219-212. While the House only requires a majority (51%) vote, the Senate requires a 2/3 (67%) vote.
The speaker makes a very good point about global warming. If we human beings and our burning of fossil fuels are to blame for the temperature of our planet increasing, how do we explain away previous ice ages? Its a proven fact that our planet has had numerous ice ages in its history. For Christ's sake, aminals have been found frozen alive in ice. What caused the temperature to rise enough to cycle the planet out of these ice ages? I'm pretty sure there were no soccer moms driving SUV's thousands and thousands of years ago, were there?
No. Our planet has cycled from cold to hot to cold to hot more times than we can even imagine. So why now, all of a sudden, are human beings responsible for causing the temperature to increase? Humans may have been around for many thousands of years, and have weathered through untold numbers of temperature cycles. So why does our burning of fossil fuels over the last 50 years get blamed? Are we humans SO freaking conceited to think that we now control Mother Nature? We now can control the natural temperature cycles of the entire planet....the same cycles that have ocurred for millions of years?
Disagree? Then please explain what caused the Earth's temperature to rise enough to cycle out of its previous ice ages when there were NO human beings burning fossil fuels. Can't explain it? Then you can't assume mankind is responsible for the rising temperatures now...regardless of how much money Al Gore makes trying to convince us otherwise.
If All You See…
…is a world turning to desert, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the
day is Powerline, with a post on the AP style book. It’s ladies in nature
3 hours ago
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