Friday, August 8, 2008

Pure Evil

I am practically speechless here. In case you hadn't heard or read about this story, there was a brutal knife attack and murder on a Greyhound bus in Manitoba, Canada last brutal that the victim was practically decapitated. Eye-witness reports also state that the murderer ate part of the victims flesh.

Tragic. Extremely tragic. The victim was in his early twenties, asleep and minding his own business at the time of the attack. Our hearts have to go out to his family. Just goes to show you that there is pure evil in this world.

Speaking of "pure evil",

In case you can't read the small print on this ad, it says:
"Right now, this exact scenario is reality for many. They are sensitive, they value their lives, they see what is happening, they cannot run away, and they often suffer greatly yet are being killed for nothing more than a fleeting taste of their flesh."
So, in PETA's eyes, the meat industry is no different than the psychopathic lunatic murderer on the Greyhound bus. And the victim is no different than an ordinary cow or pig.

We can debate all we want on whether or not humans should eat meat, since living animals must be killed first. Both sides of the debate make compelling points.

But when you take the gruesome, butchering murder of a human life and use it for your own gain, you've gone too far. How dare you imply that we shouldn't be shocked, upset, and sickened over this violent act of evil! How dare you trivialize the senseless butchering of an innocent human by comparing him to an ordinary cow or pig! How can you even sleep at night after questioning why's a a criminal act to kill and eat our own kind but that it's "OK" to kill every other species but our own and eat them.

PETA, you guys are assholes.

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